When it comes to the process network marketing recruiting many people give up on the first, second or third try and just end up thinking is way too hard for them to do.
These people are your perfect example of quitters, those who just give up at something and make up excuses saying it was just too hard. Those people blame everyone else but themselves and is very obvious why they are not successful.
Probably not just in network marketing either!
If you are one of these people then you better start dedicating yourself to get better by developing more skills. You must not wish it was easier you have to develope more skills and get better.
The only way to get better at something is to keep on doing it until you begin to get it right. Remember it's not all about sales talent but there has to be experience as well. Those who give up too easily are those who never get over the top and succeed.
If you are serious about being successful then you must have the mental strength to endure the rough times that you will undergo. I can give you some basic concepts on the whole recruiting method but when it comes down to it what matters is if you decide to stick around even through the struggles.
When you decide to recruit someone the worst way to do it is by approaching them with your business opportunity upfront. They will not pay attention to you and they will feel that all you care about is to sell them. This was the old school way of doing things years ago and sadly to say there are many network marketers still trying to do it today.
Only, the best and most savy saleman can do it (2% to 5%) today!
But, there is a much better way for the newbie. It's called a system and you need one to be successful in the new wave network marketing information age. A system that can create leads automatically, filter through and find the quality prospects worth spending time with. Plus, it must also pay you even if the majority of these lead don't join your primary MLM company.
Is that possible? You bet, I use such a system today and so can you no matter what business your trying to build.
Check out how it works....
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